
General Chatter

Hi Everyone! We're always looking for ways to improve the website and community.

What better way than with a $100 cash prize direct into your account just before xmas!

What would you like to see or improved on for 2016?

* Competition ends Midnight AEDST Sunday 13th December 2015. Winner announced on Monday 14th Decemeber.

07 Dec 15 11:28 AM

Hey Guys...
Loving the work you do so far.
I'd love to see a App created for Android & Apple devices so we can access everything on the go as a alternate from the website?
I'm sure it has been suggested in the past but it'd be awesome to see happen as I think a lot of people would benefit from it :)
Thanks and look forward to seeing suggestions from other compers and feedback on my suggestion :)
Keep up the good work :) x

07 Dec 15 11:45 AM

An IT issue where I get a chance to be rewarded. How can I resist. lol. First suggestion a method for entering the competition? I'm guessing it's via a Facebook post?

07 Dec 15 11:47 AM

@Mellyxo What happens to those poor suckers with Window OS Phones? What about apps that are compatible for different TV's OS as well.
An app sounds a great idea but the cost and time to develop might be prohibitive. Each platform it's implement on would need development, testing and maintenance. I usually use my PC. Occasionally for my favorite Android Apps I use an Android emulator called BlueStacks. This can have extra befits for testing an App without it hijacking my phone details or data. Also can use my keyboard to type. I don't use it that often thou, as I'm using an old PC.

Advantage of using a website is it's cross platform. Historically thou you had to allow for variations how each browser performed. Problems start when using custom add-ins with like Flash etc. Thank god Flash is near extinction.

07 Dec 15 11:49 AM

It would be great if could somehow remember your details when you go to enter a competition, so you don't have to retype it in, even when you get sent to a 3rd party website!

07 Dec 15 11:49 AM

@chloemilo You got a couple of options like Chrome Auto complete or something like LastPass extension which I use for storing passwords and auto-completing forms. You can customise fields with all your details.

07 Dec 15 11:53 AM

God this competition is a trap. I'll be replying to each IT issue put up. I hope entries aren't to this post.

07 Dec 15 11:55 AM

I really don't have any complaints. It's an exciting site to come on, thanks for it

07 Dec 15 11:58 AM

I think the mobile site could use a little updating! So it doesn't go back to the very start of the competition pages when you've clicked on a link, done your thing, and then gone back to the website

07 Dec 15 12:18 PM

Love this site but I would like more options than just the interested/not interested/ entered on the competition list. There's a lot of competitions that I'm really interested and some that I'm very interested in but need to go back to because I need to come up with a 25 WOL answer. It would be great if I could separate these out into my own list as sometimes these get lost down the list 3 pages later. Maybe something with a built in simple spreadsheet function?
PS For some reason I'm only getting 1 guess on the guessing game this month.

07 Dec 15 12:45 PM

Only thing I can think of is for the competitions that say only 1 entry and have a long expire date for example over 30 days to be flagged as entered so you don't waste time looking at the competition month after month because the prize is appealing. But otherwise brilliant, I am very happy with the site.

07 Dec 15 1:04 PM

@fourleaf Doh was about to post about those options. I think I''ve mentioned that a while back. The competitions definitely needs an ENTERED COMPETITION option. Like on I find it hard to keep track of entered competitions. Especially if it's relisted or runs for a while. It would be great if you can see what competitions you have entered and be able to filter them for currently still running and recently expired.
Those toggles need to be labelled. The Not Interested is sort of a mute option as you have the Interested/Save for Later option.

If entries are here I hope it's ok to do multiple posts.

07 Dec 15 1:05 PM

After entering a competition they put up these wonderful options you can select and then comes the Family centrals where you can win $2000 or $500. I have been entering these for ages and have yet to see who actually wins these. Can this be added and how many competitions I have actually entered as I know I have entered thousands. This would be great info to know if you have actually succeeded in entering.
This is because you see people winning multiple times and the question asked is did mine go through

07 Dec 15 1:17 PM

Links to competitions that have been drawn and have the winners, and or the Australian public notice results

07 Dec 15 1:28 PM

I actually don't have any suggestions because everything has been great! :)

07 Dec 15 1:53 PM

I would love if it was possible to view your points ranking from the previous month -- for all compers, not just the top three.

I'd also love to see more exclusive comps and activities. I've always liked the Guessing Game, as well as the Daily Points concept. I think the Caption Content was a great new inclusion for the site, and so I'd love to see something else similar -- the sort of things that rallies all us compers together for some friendly competition.

Merry Christmas!

07 Dec 15 1:59 PM

A list of all the comps I've entered and then I can keep track of dates they are drawn and whether I have been successful or not!

07 Dec 15 2:08 PM

Love this site and agree with some of the above, particularly an entered button as I often view the competition and can't think of an answer at the time then forgot to come back to a particular comp. Also love the suggestion of more exclusive competitions too :)

07 Dec 15 2:17 PM

Someone needs to check the links to Facebook comps or the ones with short links as a lot don't seem to work. Might also be helpful to show which Facebook comps require you to be a member so those without Facebook account can skip them. Some links also go to the T&Cs page instead of the actual entry form.

07 Dec 15 2:20 PM

I would love to have loads more competitions that don't require me to be a member of a certain social media site or even competitions that have other options to enter them and not only via the same certain social media site

07 Dec 15 2:28 PM

List of codewords for competitions but also list if you have to be a subscriber (such as Foxtel)

07 Dec 15 2:34 PM

The site is pretty good - it's responsive, and works on all browsers i've tried. I'd suggest a cookie saving my search options, so I don't have to go and reset it everytime I come to the page. I think the ability to search on closed/expired compeitions to search for drawing dates would be a great feature add as well.

07 Dec 15 2:47 PM

As I go onto your site daily and love trying various competitions I cannot think of anything that might make the site better. As I do Not want or own a mobile phone or other device I am very happy with the way things are now, I use firefox as my browser and never have a problem. My idea is Keep on going as you are. And thanks for all the great competitions.

07 Dec 15 3:13 PM

an integrated comp tracker

07 Dec 15 4:04 PM

I've found the site to be really great so anything extra wouldn't be necessary but a bonus! An app would be really handy to use the site on the go otherwise would like to see the mobile site updated :)

07 Dec 15 4:41 PM

A 'block user' button would be great in the forum and a page dedicated to radio station competitions state by state.

07 Dec 15 5:01 PM
are asking for audience reviews.
If you get it right,
then you might,
win 100 buckaroo's.
Keep up the great work and have a merry and safe Christmas.!!

07 Dec 15 5:25 PM

I love it how it is works easy for me I pop on daily and get all the comps done that I may have missed

07 Dec 15 5:41 PM

I agree with other compers, the site is great and I love being a member. A spread sheet or some way of storing entries and responses would be helpful.

07 Dec 15 6:30 PM

A page to view the winners on daily and the results to every competion all on the same page

07 Dec 15 7:29 PM

more way to get points, I only enter comps I want to win

07 Dec 15 7:42 PM

i think apps for iPhone & android, plus to save all info for an easy and quick way to enter comps

07 Dec 15 8:09 PM

a more streamlined search function which could filter for preferences (eg. avoid social media competitions)

07 Dec 15 8:27 PM

My only suggestion is to get rid of the Survey part, as there are never any surveys to get the so called CompBux, it just seems like a waste of space, otherwise everything is all great.

07 Dec 15 8:43 PM

I'd like more of the "Caption this!" type spot competitions, some quizzes, some polls, vox populi - seek our feedback - 'rumour has it', random giveaways, sessional with it! What do you think, @admin? One BIGGIE, which I've mentioned more than once before, is to see previous month's rankings. Oh, and no more posting 'Expiring on the Day' comps late in the evening of last day of the month. That's unconscionable and unfair comping behaviour. That's always riled me. And whilst we're on the subject, what's with all these Guessing Game winners who never seem - to me- to enter/view any monthly comps? Do you even check IP addresses? I request a considered response @admin because you have been awkwardly silent this past year.

07 Dec 15 8:53 PM

I think you need to survey your clientele at least annually, seeking feedback on areas of improvement. Equally, I think you should act more than a passive purveyor of competitions, and aggressively promote them. I suspect you have aligned to various mass marketing sites / competitions that you brand as your own, when - in my opinion - they are clearly not. And, in my opinion, this is a misrepresentation. I try to play by the rules. I just hope that you state your rules, so I know with what I am dealing.

07 Dec 15 9:15 PM

What about offering Milestone Achievement Awards - with gratuity attached or some other incentive? Consistent activity, 'contributions' - however you may detail it - ....basically, the more your viewer interacts with the brand '' - the more they may be in the running for periodic awards. Just saying but I was one of two subjects of a recent documentary on 'compers', where I referred most favourably to your brand. I hope you receive all this feedback in the spirit in which it is intended....and take stock...

07 Dec 15 9:27 PM

To be brutally honest, I do feel like this site is under caretaker provisions. Active commentary on discussions, where indicated, is patently absent. This seems to me to be a part-time website, where comments are sometimes reviewed, and responded to, though mostly bypassed. This site needs to be monitored. How many of my messages have been 'unresponded'? More than I care to count. Poor form. Sorry but you asked for feedback. I am disappointed with this site. There is room for improvement. Work with me.

07 Dec 15 9:38 PM

I would like to be reminded of the competitions I've entered to be able to keep track of them to see when they are drawn

07 Dec 15 9:44 PM

@admin, you may be sick of this by now (from my feedback) but have you considered running market research forum groups in various localities, discussing your brand and trajectory? You may have to expend funds in order to reap.

07 Dec 15 9:52 PM

I'm realitively new to but I believe an app for you smart phone would be great, and make it more accessible /easier to us and may attract a border age group

07 Dec 15 10:38 PM

I like the idea of surveys but so often I get sent the standard email to say you have 75 comp bux waiting for you by completing a survey and then I log in and there is no surveys there waiting for me. It takes forever to accrue the minimum points as I have been screened out of nearly every survey and then it says average survey 15 minutes yet the rare occasion I get accepted it says it's a 30 minute survey for such a small amount of points. Hopefully they can offer more surveys or at least some that I've got a good chance of not being screened out of.

I'd also like a comp button on the front next to comp that has a green star or something so I can tick if I entered with a draw date so it makes it easy to keep track of.

Other than that, I really enjoy logging in with the chance at winning the guessing game or getting on the top 3 leaderboard one day (fingers crossed), Toxic Gherkin has made some great points as have many others.

08 Dec 15 12:29 AM

I think the daily random points tally needs work. Often I can't even make the top 20 (or get to last day and are so far behind I don't bother entering the rest) so I think if you have entered every day there could be another reward. My suggestion is a random draw for those that have entered every day, and made the guessing game entries. The prize could be equal to the present first prize. I also think you should get rid of the 50 points for facebook like and 50 welcome points, this would be fairer and stop "new" accounts appearing every month.

08 Dec 15 6:14 AM

Definitely an app to take my comps with me on the road or while commuting to work.

08 Dec 15 6:29 AM

Not sure how the points work seem to get way behind very rarely in top 20 at end of month so perhaps a new way of distributing the points. Instead of end of month points accumulation have random weekly draw for anyone who has participated that week - i love comping but have full time work and family too so don't always get the time to enter and compete for points.

i love that i can come to the web site and enter as many or as few comps as i want.
I am not tech savvy so don't want apps etc as this just confuses me.

Thank you for taking the time to list comps in one place and ask the users their opinions on how to improve it.

08 Dec 15 7:22 AM

I want to add competitions myself. I want to share some of the really good ones that I come across that I know others here would like. But since I don't own them, I can't currently do that.

08 Dec 15 7:49 AM

Further refining the filters so they only show the competitions you haven't yet entered. The filter currently still shows some competitions that have been entered.

08 Dec 15 8:06 AM

At the moment you have the star button for "Save for later" and a cross for "not interested".
Why not add a thumbs up for "Entered". This tag could then be used as a filter to identify the entered competitions. Competitions could continue to be displayed on the "Entered" list for, say, 4 weeks after the closing date. Unless you have a field in the database for the draw date for the competition in which case you could use that.

So often on Facebook, you have to respond to the announcement you are a winner to claim the prize. If you don't then they redraw.
It would be great if you had a Facebook Alert that lists and links the Facebook competitions that are drawn that day.

08 Dec 15 8:14 AM

Can't really think of anything additional, you make it pretty easy to enter competitions and the info you provide before entering is great, saves time if it's a waste of time

08 Dec 15 8:24 AM

I get confused with the "Featured Competitions" - I would like the same option added as the regular comps i.e. "Save for Later" and "Not Interested". Then I can easily be assured that I am entered and don't try reentering. Thanks

08 Dec 15 8:38 AM

@divergent Going to do a more detailed post later. It was one of the things I was going to bring up about adding comps. Seems either few are interested in the competitions I put up or no one reads the forums unless it's for a competition. lol

You can share to the forum. I was hoping a few would share some of their favorite competitions or referrals etc. Saves me time searching for them and checking T&Cs for worldwide etc. The forum needs another category for COMPETITIONS. They could of posted this comp under that instead of General Chatter

08 Dec 15 9:20 AM

Competition. has a great website for most competitions. I feel safe and secure with Competition. It has excellent links to find my favourite prizes. Members are helpful to advises some comments. It is my daily routine now. I wish that all members have beautiful and amazing Christmas.

08 Dec 15 11:16 AM

an app format

08 Dec 15 2:12 PM

Guys I'd like to see a function or a category for competitions that can be entered once daily so that we don't forget about them once they changed to "viewed". That would be super handy.

08 Dec 15 2:12 PM

I love this site. I visit regularly and would love to win sometimes. So often I am quite high in the leaderboard during the month, but during the last week I get so few daily points... that I always fall behind. What about a special prize ($5-$10) for the users that have been more often on first, second and third position during the month?

08 Dec 15 2:13 PM

So many good ideas! Love the thoughts of an app, and also some more members only competitions. A lucky dip draw or just random surprise competitions. After all we are all interesting in comping, so what better way to get people involved :)
There's certainly so many positives about especially that you're informed when you've already viewed a comp. It can sure be easy to get sidetracked and accidently enter more than once. Also another idea could be more blog posts because I just love reading them and also even interviewing members on what they win, how they enter and prizes they've won. It's a great way to get ideas and share achievements.

08 Dec 15 6:05 PM

Fairer way to win points. Did everything to get points I was legally able to and still couldn't get in top 20.

08 Dec 15 9:08 PM

@sharjj Long queue for the Top 20. Take a number and patiently wait in line.

I get the impression that there's about 60-70 regulars that log in daily. So you need a bit of luck, diligently view all available competitions from that month before they expire, do the weekly guessing game daily, and obtain any bonus points. A Birthday in that month helps. There's not the much that separates the 20th to 30th. I noticed a few people forgot to do important things to get bonus points that might of won them the Monthly Leaderboard. There also seems to be issues with missing points or lost points if you click on expired competitions, as I found out.

Now I haven't done I full examination of daily random points, I suspect it got some weaknesses. Possible not truly random if it's handled by the client browser.

I hope they keep the monthly leaderboard as I feel it's one of the main reasons people keep coming back daily. :)

08 Dec 15 10:06 PM

I love the website so much but to make it easier to access, I believe that an app should be developed for both iOS(Apple) and Android phones and tablets. This would make it so much easier to find what kind of deals you are looking for.

09 Dec 15 9:34 AM

Don't really have suggestions, Love the website, really easy to use :) An app sounds great though! :)

09 Dec 15 2:45 PM

@TahiGT and all suggesting an App. How does and App make it so much easier to find what kind of deals you are looking for? Why does need an App? You know a internet browser is an App? You got lots of choices to choose from. Works on all platforms and devices that support an internet browser. Which covers, all smart phones, tablets and Smart TV's etc. is not an interactive game , chat site etc that HTML 5 can't handle easily, or not appropriate for the front end. I.e you don't need an interactive/instantaneous response. The main functionality required is producing/formatting dynamic lists of competitions from a database. I think it would be a waste of resources to produce the same features/functionality that HTML provides doing an App. I can't see what additional functionality an App would provide over HTML for competitions. All the competitions you enter require an internet browser. So you need that App anyway.

I not saying they shouldn't do an App. It could have serve marketing purposes with additional exposure being listed in the App market. But doing an App for the sake of it's a catch word and seems trendy etc is not the right reason. An advantage might be for offline viewing of competitions. With a few addition features the website could even offer that. Copyright that idea for this competition/post. I'll explain later. :) "Apps" have been around long before smart phones existed. They were called programs. Would you suggest that they do one for MS Windows, OS, etc etc.

Regarding making finding what deals you are looking for, there are filtering options on the website. Are they initiative to use or missing functionality?

Unless there's an App in a box that covers competitions already available. Which can be easily modified, I can't see why it be worth the cost of development and maintenance for each platform. The only real advantage an App might have is a payment method/income stream to sell the App minus Apples commission. Would you be willing to pay for it to provide the same functionality as the website?

09 Dec 15 3:24 PM

Creating an APP! that i can use on my iphone and my macbook! that would be awesome! :)

09 Dec 15 7:13 PM

@admin @zedmin might I suggest a little website Spring Cleaning (though I appreciate it's summer now, and Melbourne is already suffering dreadfully. Yerchhh!) Perhaps you could archive the Surveys section (and what to do with accrued points for users...hmmm?). And I never understood the panel listing entitled 'More Competitions' that appears (at least) on one's user activity profile. When you click on a particular link, often there is nothing there. Was this a feature/functionality in earlier days? How about introducing a ticket feature for enquiries through a directed/dedicated portal? That way, users might be able to see the status of their ticketed enquiry rather than the current action/s of blindly firing off a comment (or enquiry through your current feature) and hoping for the best. Some thoughts to consider, if you might. We're trying to make this a better, more streamlined experience. I would think this might improve things at your end too. Sorry if it all seems negative. I'm offering constructive criticism. I love this site, and the community spirit. You're doing a great job, and I hope we're helping your brand on its way. Cheers.

09 Dec 15 8:57 PM

I enjoy all that you have here, thanks for such a great site.

10 Dec 15 12:51 AM

It would be great to have a log or a way of tracking what has been entered. A tool to log answers to 25 wol comps.

10 Dec 15 9:48 AM

Like this site so far but maybe a few tips on how to win a bigger prize!!!

10 Dec 15 9:52 AM

Thank you for this wonderful site. I'd like to see something done about the survey points. I spent hours upon hours completing surveys but I am now in "points limbo". I can't earn any new points and can't cash out what I've already earned. That irks me because it is wasted effort done in good faith and every dollar would help financially. Maybe you could work out a way we could receive a cashout/paypal payment for what we have earned. Then, after the cashouts have been done fairly, close down the survey section if it isn't going to be continuing. Thanks again.

10 Dec 15 10:12 AM

Love the comps but HATE the phone calls from companies trying to sell me stuff.

10 Dec 15 12:04 PM

It is good to have opportunities to win something that can help. In terms of I do not have any suggestion, I really appreciate what are you doing.

10 Dec 15 12:39 PM

I love your site.I haven't won anything yet but I'll keep trying.

10 Dec 15 2:29 PM

This site is amazing as it is! But i would love to see an app where you can easily enter competitions with just one click!

10 Dec 15 3:15 PM

This site is amazing but I think an 'entered competition' check list next to the list of competitions so you can keep track of which ones you've entered and which ones you still have left to enter! Keep up the good work.

11 Dec 15 9:08 AM

I absolutely love the site, my only suggestion would be to have a designated area for comps that have a daily entry so it's easier to keep track of them all.

11 Dec 15 9:27 AM

i'm actually quite happy with things,sometimes you have to do a bit of navigating to get where you want to end up,but then you don't get complacent

11 Dec 15 7:43 PM

Love to see competitions where you have to have so many votes banned, there are sites where people can buy votes and lots of cheating goes on . But I love your site and enter competitions every day!

11 Dec 15 11:04 PM

Id love to be able to filter out all of my own posts in the forum so if I wanted to find something I had posted it wouldn't have to trawl through hundreds of posts. I know we can filter by topic, but by user would also be helpful. :D

12 Dec 15 3:00 AM

Firstly, thanks for making a great site with lots of competition all in the same place.
My suggestions would be:
-Along with the details under each competition, also include the entry limit - Is it once, 12 or unlimited?
-Sometimes, the ending dates you have listed are incorrect when I read the actual terms and conditions of the linked competition. It would be good if those could be double checked.
-Write blogs more often. I love reading the blogs and have read all of them multiple times.
-Create a Facebook group that all members can join. I would love to interactive with fellow compers from Australia. We can post competitions we find and share winning stories.

12 Dec 15 3:00 AM

Firstly, thanks for creating and managing a great website with lots of competitions all in the same place.
My suggestions would be:

-Along with the details under each competition, also include:
1) The entry limit - Is it once only, one per day, or unlimited?
2) You could also include whether or not there is an age restriction. Sometimes competitions are only open to people 16+, 18+, 21+ or 25+. Sometimes, you post Total Girl/K-Zone competitions which are only open to kids under 16.
3) You could also include the number of winners that the competition will have.

-Sometimes, the ending dates you have listed are incorrect when I read the actual terms and conditions of the linked competition. It would be good if those could be double checked.

-Write blogs more often. I love reading the blogs and have read all of them multiple times.

-Create a Facebook group that all members can join. I would love to interactive with fellow compers from Australia. We can post competitions we find and share winning stories.

12 Dec 15 3:05 AM

I'd suggest a way of flagging comps which have daily entries for daily prizes as currently they only show during the closing date.

12 Dec 15 8:14 AM

A great site, keep up the good work! I don't think we should expect the site to do all the organising for us, that's what bookmarks & our own filing systems are for. I'd suggest some changes to/consistency in the descriptors under each comp listing:
- "Prize competitions" - aren't they all? Delete this one.
- "Freebies" - you already have "Requires a Purchase", when you want to indicate that. Again, delete this one.
- "Product" - this is already broken down into several categories when useful, so tells us nothing. Delete.
- "Creative", "Words or Less", "Question/Answer" : choose the best one to describe the comp, but not two or all three together!
- maybe a new category, "Perform a task" eg the current National Tiles comp.

I really like the clean and simple lines of the site; it's well organised and easy to work with, thank you.

12 Dec 15 11:02 AM

I would really love to see the elimination of "sponsored" comps that are run by Cohort Digital, Brandleaders, Rokt or Planet 49; in my opinion and from experience these are HOT sources for spam phone calls, emails and marketing.
It would make a much more reliable place to source legitimate, hassle free competitions.

12 Dec 15 2:15 PM

I would like less pop ups/ repetitive ad type competitions that seem to be more of a scam to get customers to spend money. For me going into competitions is about winning prizes not forking out money on things i dont want.

12 Dec 15 4:44 PM

Although the guessing game is a classic, perhaps it can be reinvented and re-energised a little; for example, a 'how many coins in this picture' question one week. I love the website.

12 Dec 15 9:09 PM

I would suggest to have a page where all the comps I joined are listed there. It would also be nice if there would be notifications or updates such as announcement of winners regarding those comps which I entered.

12 Dec 15 10:00 PM

I see there are loads of 12 days of xmas things, but there's no way to easily spot them. I'd like to also refine to see daily comps you can enter every day.

12 Dec 15 10:16 PM

I'd also like to see the ability for members to leave the answers to things, or codewords. E.g. k-zone etc has code words, the comps are listed but I can't enter as there's no code words. If someone has bothered to list them, I expect they'd be bothered to list the answer too if an option.

12 Dec 15 10:18 PM

I thought perhaps a site revamp would be good. Personally I feel the space you use to put in one competitions is far too large and you could possible fit two competitions into the space of one. I personally don't like having to scroll way too much just to view all the competitions on one page.
The site also had a lot of empty/unused space which makes it look quite bare when you could possibly use some of the space to fit more competitions or move some features around to look more appealing to the eyes.

13 Dec 15 2:15 AM

I admire this site quite a bit, but I think we need more surveys with a bit of wit, a couple of more little games like the guess, then this site would be the best.

I am not here as much as I could, because we aren't given samples like we should, the competitions are darn well great, but I would come more if you added some bait. The bait could be a small cash prize, just like this one would be a surprise.

A win for me would make me jump over the moon, because it is my birthday coming up real soon. xxx Dee

13 Dec 15 9:22 AM

An app would be amazing! It's really difficult to use the website on a smart phone. Thanks :D

Update: as you can see, I can't even post in this forum on my smart phone :( it keeps logging me out every time I go to the forum page.

13 Dec 15 9:36 AM

Hi, I love your Competition page, easy to navigate and choose which type and when it's closing, also like that the choices are clearly visible on one page, without clicking every comp. Well done, congratulations, continued success into the future. With Gratitude and
Blessings. Linda.

13 Dec 15 9:51 AM

i am only new to the site and so far I have found it very easy to use and no drama's what so ever. Can not think of a suggestion at this stage :)

13 Dec 15 12:53 PM

How about a consolation prize for those who managed to get in the top 20 maybe 10 times in a row but don't have the luck to get the top 3 prizes? I've never been able to get into the top 3 and I joined this site in its first year. It takes commitment and dedication to check in, play the guessing game, view all the competitions every single day just to make sure you get into the top 20 and don't drop out. A loyalty reward of sort?

13 Dec 15 2:35 PM

My only wish is this one ,
To hear from happy people who have WON ,
Encourages me to keep on trying ,
To win things I couldn't dream of buying!

13 Dec 15 5:01 PM

I'd like the answer to simple entry comps, e.g. codewords or if the answer is Kate Winslet. More time for more comps!

13 Dec 15 6:19 PM

I would like to see in addition to the montly leaderboard Top 3 a random draw involving the Top 100. This would keep the passion and motivate others to be more active, despite missing a day, or two due to technical difficulties etc. For new members that join midway through the month, like I did in September there is little motivation to begin actively checking out competitions and sponsor pages. I noticed a lot of members winning the guessing game which appear relative inactive, ie, just entering the guessing game.
The addition of a random draw for the monthly leaderboard might encourage greater participation.

13 Dec 15 11:09 PM

I brought this topic up in the forum a few weeks ago about how people keep track of what competitions they have entered. There is consensus that is one of the main features missing on Yes you could use spreadsheets, bookmarks or write it all down in a notebook, however this could be easily implemented with a few small changes to help track what competitions you have actually entered.

This could be displayed in two formats a detail one of competitions entered similar for what is currently displayed for the filter competitions viewed for competitions entered. Also a summary of competitions entered with a basic details like End Date, Drawn Date, Competition Name and Link, Prize, Entry Limit (eg. Once per day), Comment . This would act like a spreadsheet. Users could export this into their own spreadsheet if desired by copying and pasting or providing an export feature.

Also a method to add you own competitions to your list of competitions entered. This should involve using a default template of competitions details. This would get the basic details ie prize description, link, Competition categories, close date, draw date. This would allow it to be easily added to list of competitions with an option to share/post the competition. This would also require some rules for submitting competitions. Also a credit for who submitted the competition to be displayed.

First the current Enter Competition button is more of a Goto Competition to view the competition site. It doesn't necessarily mean that I have entered the competition. Due to the points system for the montly leaderboard you must view the competition to be awarded the points.

What is required is a separate button to record Entered Competitions on the competition page. Also a button for "I Won" would be great with the option for a popup to give an option to post to the forum with a comment. The current method can be hard finding the competition you won with the dropdown box.

The option for the Not Interested I feel is not required as mutually exclusive to the Save Competition for later.

Multiple entry competitions and the frequency need to be classified for competitions to allow filtering for daily routine competitions to enter and displayed. Ie. The entry limit. (Once, Daily, Weekly etc)

It would be nice if the number of posts to a competitions would be shown. The way it currently is it doesn't show if a competition have any posts on the competitions list page. This could indicate more interest in a competition or people putting up their personal referral link, codeword etc. Currently this is missing and only by chance you might discover a competition may have comments. This over-site explains why adding a post to a competition is rarely done. Also a way to vote for a competition to show interest for popular competitions and to be displayed.

The forum also requires a Competition category. Where people can quickly list a competition or comment about one. This competition could have been listed under that category instead of general chatter. Initially I didn't realise that the post was the method of entry until later I noticed it on the competitions list.

This competition being listed on the forum was a clever idea to help promote an under utilized method to help bring members together. I hope whatever changes are made in the coming year they help promote users to use as an essential tool for viewing and entering competitions more productively.

13 Dec 15 11:57 PM

@Lemond , hi I'm old school I just have the book I write comps entered in, and reason being , I actually use other search engines and I could end up entering a comp I've already entered and it may be once only

14 Dec 15 12:54 PM

@bj74 I Understand. A notepad might suit WOL competitions single entry competitions. As most/all competitions I enter are online what I do for each month is create a bookmark folder for Entered, daily/gleam comps,multiple entries, to share, WOL. Thou I've been slack on the WOL lately. It's mainly useful for the daily/multiple entries competitions so that I can quickly click on them each day. The couple of things that can't easily see is the End Date and Drawn Dates. This is one of the main reasons I post competitions as a quick reference for my favorite ones. Thou they are only a sample.

By bookmarking in the browser on the entry page I know if I've already entered when I revist the competition. I just had a couple today I must of entered a while back. I would recommend this even if improves the recording process for competitions actually entered instead of viewed. I occasionally use other sites or search engines to locate competitions especially international ones. By bookmarking competitions entered it covers using multiple sources.

Using a notepad I would find a slow method/impractically to quickly display daily multiple entry competitions. Usually I'm doing them at the last minute. Quickly bringing up the daily The Womans Day comp, boost juice and all those international gleam comps. Problem is they all have different time zones so generally do them in the evening.

If I had a printer might be handy as a physical method of printing them off. Still need to quickly display and enter them thou.

14 Dec 15 4:07 PM

Thanks for all the great suggestions, we picked a random winner and that person is @Lauren18 ..please send me your paypal email at, thanks and Congratulations! Have a great day ... ;)

16 Dec 15 2:03 PM

congrats @Lauren18

Hmm a random winner. I'm surprised I didn't ask about the terms and conditions for competition. Reads/Style as a creative competition.

We'll be all winners, especially if the site keeps track of the competitions actually entered and displays that list with additional classifications of the end date, drawn date, entry limit ie once, daily.

If you check out the functionality of as an example you can cherry pick which functionality is most useful and easiest to implement. The main thing I find missing on that site is a forum/thread about general chatter for competitions. So lacks the social interaction.

17 Dec 15 2:21 PM

I glad I didn't spend quality time presenting snapshots of the interface design improvements etc for a glossy entry, and rushed it after a long exhausting weekend of cricket umpiring.

As a promotional exercise the competition brought attention to the forum to exchange ideas, share funny competition tales or vent off (politely) random grievances.

We'll all look forward to any improvements to the site to encourage us to keep coming back.

17 Dec 15 2:37 PM