Win a travel adventure worth $3,000! Cheapflights

There is one grand prize of £2,000 (two thousand pounds sterling or the equivalent monetary value in the winner’s local currency). The grand prize winner will be sent a cheque or bank transfer for the full amount of £2,000 (two thousand pounds sterling or the equivalent monetary value in the winner’s local currency) within six weeks of the final draw date. The winner will be able to book travel with this money directly. The promoter will not be responsible for booking or arranging travel. All additional expenses incurred are the responsibility of the prize winner and it is the winner's and his/her companions’ responsibility to supply valid passports, visa and vaccinations as appropriate. The promoter strongly advises all travellers to take out valid travel insurance.
There are 14 smaller prizes of a Lonely Planet print or digital book in the daily giveaway. The daily winner can select the book of their choice from the Lonely Planet online shop up to the published value of £25 (or the equivalent monetary value in the winner’s local currency). Winners will be sent their prize via post or email (digital books) directly from the Lonely Planet online shop.

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*18+. Each ticket is a 1/50th share. Deductions & T&Cs apply. Gamble Responsibly 1800 858 858
*18+. Each ticket is a 1/50th share. Deductions & T&Cs apply. Gamble Responsibly 1800 858 858